Paul Andersen Paul Andersen

Lightning Strikes Thrice - Empire State Building

Description: Many people believe that lightning never strikes the same place twice but this video clearly shows that this is not true. A lightning rod consists of three main parts: a lightning rod at the top of a structure, a conducting wire, and a ground rod. This design allows electricity from the lightning strike to pass through directly to the ground without moving through the structure. This protects the structure and the people inside from possible fire and electrocution. This video shows that severe weather occurs in predictable ways and that humans must develop designs that can protect ourselves.

Web Resources:  Lightning Rod - Wikipedia, Next Gen Lightning Protection - Extreme Tech

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Paul Andersen Paul Andersen

World Climographs

Description:  Climographs show the average temperature and precipitation in an area over the course of the year. Websites like can be used to quickly identify patterns of climate around the world. Students can also ask causation questions related to the climate differences (e.g. How do mountains and wind patterns affect the climate in an area?, How do large bodies of water affect the climate in an area?)

Web Resources:  Climate Charts, Climograph - Wikipedia


By NASA [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

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Paul Andersen Paul Andersen

Stilt Houses

Description: Stilt houses are built on pilings to avoid local weather conditions like storms and flooding. This engineering design solution allows humans to reduce the impact of weather-related hazards. Students can evaluate the merits of this solution or design solutions of their own for a local environment.

Web Resources: Stilt House - Wikipedia, Make it Right

stilt house.jpg
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